Adjunct meaning in Hindi

Adjunct is a english word.

Adjunct Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • adjunct = जोड़ा हुआ{पर गौण}

    • Usage: The new branch of the bank was opened as an adjunct to the existing
    • Usage: one in that area.

Adjunct Meaning in Detail

  • adjunct (noun) = something added to another thing but not an essential part of it

    Synonyms: adjunct

  • adjunct (noun) = a person who is an assistant or subordinate to another

    Synonyms: adjunct

  • adjunct (noun) = a construction that can be used to extend the meaning of a word or phrase but is not one of the main constituents of a sentence

    Synonyms: adjunct

  • adjunct (adj) = furnishing added support

    Synonyms: accessory, adjunct, ancillary, adjuvant, appurtenant, auxiliary

    • Usage: an ancillary pump
    • Usage: an adjuvant discipline to forms of mysticism
    • Usage: The mind and emotions are auxiliary to each other
  • adjunct (adj) = of or relating to a person who is subordinate to another

    Synonyms: adjunct, assistant

  • Other words to learn

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