Afford meaning in Hindi

Afford is a english word.

Afford Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • afford = वहन कर पाना

    • Usage: I can't afford to take you on a date.
  • afford = जुटा पाना{धन}

    • Usage: They cannot afford a car right now.

Afford Meaning in Detail

  • afford (verb) = be able to spare or give up

    Synonyms: afford

    • Usage: I can't afford to spend two hours with this person
  • afford (verb) = be the cause or source of

    Synonyms: yield, give, afford

    • Usage: He gave me a lot of trouble
    • Usage: Our meeting afforded much interesting information
  • afford (verb) = have the financial means to do something or buy something

    Synonyms: afford

    • Usage: We can't afford to send our children to college
    • Usage: Can you afford this car?
  • afford (verb) = afford access to

    Synonyms: afford, open, give

    • Usage: the door opens to the patio
    • Usage: The French doors give onto a terrace
  • Other words to learn

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