Alienate meaning in Hindi

Alienate is a english word.

Alienate Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • alienate = विमुख करना

    • Usage: The Government's Defamation Bill had alienated many of its supporters.

Alienate Meaning in Detail

  • alienate (verb) = arouse hostility or indifference in where there had formerly been love, affection, or friendliness

    Synonyms: estrange, alienate, alien, disaffect

    • Usage: She alienated her friends when she became fanatically religious
  • alienate (verb) = transfer property or ownership

    Synonyms: alien, alienate

    • Usage: The will aliened the property to the heirs
  • alienate (verb) = make withdrawn or isolated or emotionally dissociated

    Synonyms: alienate

    • Usage: the boring work alienated his employees
  • Other words to learn

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