Launch meaning in Hindi

Launch is a english word.

Launch Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • launch = आरम्भ करना

    • Usage: Our company has launched a new product.
  • launch = जलावतरण

    • Usage: Launch a ship.
  • launch = छोडना

    • Usage: launch a satellite.
  • launch = प्रवर्त्तन करना

    • Usage: Launch a new model of car.
  • launch = बडी मोटर बोट

    • Usage: We took a launch to cross the lake.?

Launch Meaning in Detail

  • launch (noun) = a motorboat with an open deck or a half deck

    Synonyms: launch

  • launch (noun) = the act of propelling with force

    Synonyms: launching, launch

  • launch (verb) = set up or found

    Synonyms: establish, set_up, found, launch

    • Usage: She set up a literacy program
  • launch (verb) = propel with force

    Synonyms: launch

    • Usage: launch the space shuttle
    • Usage: Launch a ship
  • launch (verb) = launch for the first time; launch on a maiden voyage

    Synonyms: launch

    • Usage: launch a ship
  • launch (verb) = begin with vigor

    Synonyms: plunge, launch

    • Usage: He launched into a long diatribe
    • Usage: She plunged into a dangerous adventure
  • launch (verb) = get going; give impetus to

    Synonyms: launch, set_in_motion

    • Usage: launch a career
    • Usage: Her actions set in motion a complicated judicial process
  • launch (verb) = smoothen the surface of

    Synonyms: launch

    • Usage: launch plaster
  • Other words to learn

    Also See

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