Analyse meaning in Hindi

Analyse is a english word.

Analyse Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • analyse = विश्लेषण करना

    • Usage: They analysed the drug before bringing it into the market.
  • analyse = मनोविश्लेषण

    • Usage: Psychologist analysed the cause of depression.

Analyse Meaning in Detail

  • analyse (verb) = consider in detail and subject to an analysis in order to discover essential features or meaning

    Synonyms: analyze, analyse, study, examine, canvass, canvas

    • Usage: analyze a sonnet by Shakespeare
    • Usage: analyze the evidence in a criminal trial
    • Usage: analyze your real motives
  • analyse (verb) = break down into components or essential features

    Synonyms: analyze, analyse

    • Usage: analyze today's financial market
  • analyse (verb) = make a mathematical, chemical, or grammatical analysis of; break down into components or essential features

    Synonyms: analyze, analyse, break_down, dissect, take_apart

    • Usage: analyze a specimen
    • Usage: analyze a sentence
    • Usage: analyze a chemical compound
  • analyse (verb) = subject to psychoanalytic treatment

    Synonyms: analyze, analyse, psychoanalyze, psychoanalyse

    • Usage: I was analyzed in Vienna by a famous psychiatrist
  • Other words to learn

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