Anatomy meaning in Hindi

Anatomy is a english word.

Anatomy Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • anatomy = शरीर रचना

    • Usage: He is a professor of anatomy.
  • anatomy = चीरफाड़

    • Usage: The book attempts an anatomy of the situation in South Africa.

Anatomy Meaning in Detail

  • anatomy (noun) = the branch of morphology that deals with the structure of animals

    Synonyms: anatomy, general_anatomy

  • anatomy (noun) = alternative names for the body of a human being

    Synonyms: human_body, physical_body, material_body, soma, build, figure, physique, anatomy, shape, bod, chassis, frame, form, flesh

    • Usage: Leonardo studied the human body
    • Usage: he has a strong physique
    • Usage: the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak
  • anatomy (noun) = a detailed analysis

    Synonyms: anatomy

    • Usage: he studied the anatomy of crimes
  • Other words to learn

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