Appointed meaning in Hindi

Appointed is a english word.

Appointed Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • appointed = नियत

    • Usage: People gathered in the hall at the appointed time of the concert .

Appointed Meaning in Detail

  • appointed (verb) = create and charge with a task or function

    Synonyms: appoint, name, nominate, constitute

    • Usage: nominate a committee
  • appointed (verb) = assign a duty, responsibility or obligation to

    Synonyms: appoint, charge

    • Usage: He was appointed deputy manager
    • Usage: She was charged with supervising the creation of a concordance
  • appointed (verb) = furnish

    Synonyms: appoint

    • Usage: a beautifully appointed house
  • appointed (adj) = subject to appointment

    Synonyms: appointive, appointed

  • appointed (adj) = selected for a job

    Synonyms: appointed

    • Usage: the one appointed for guard duty
  • appointed (adj) = fixed or established especially by order or command

    Synonyms: appointed, decreed, ordained, prescribed

    • Usage: at the time appointed (or the appointed time")
  • appointed (adj) = provided with furnishing and accessories (especially of a tasteful kind)

    Synonyms: appointed

    • Usage: a house that is beautifully appointed
  • Other words to learn

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