Appreciate meaning in Hindi

Appreciate is a english word.

Appreciate Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • appreciate = सराहा जाना

    • Usage: Only good manners are appreciated.
  • appreciate = सराहना

    • Usage: Always appreciate fine works of art and culture.
    • Usage: I appreciate your co-operation and help given to me in my hard times.
  • appreciate = वृद्धि होना

    • Usage: The value of this property has appreciated over the years.

Appreciate Meaning in Detail

  • appreciate (verb) = recognize with gratitude; be grateful for

    Synonyms: appreciate

  • appreciate (verb) = be fully aware of; realize fully

    Synonyms: appreciate, take_account

    • Usage: Do you appreciate the full meaning of this letter?
  • appreciate (verb) = hold dear

    Synonyms: prize, value, treasure, appreciate

    • Usage: I prize these old photographs
  • appreciate (verb) = gain in value

    Synonyms: appreciate, apprize, apprise, revalue

    • Usage: The yen appreciated again!
  • appreciate (verb) = increase the value of

    Synonyms: appreciate, apprize, apprise

    • Usage: The Germans want to appreciate the Deutsche Mark
  • Other words to learn

    Also See

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