Assimilate meaning in Hindi

Assimilate is a english word.

Assimilate Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • assimilate = आत्मसात करना

    • Usage: The numerous concepts have to be assimilated.

Assimilate Meaning in Detail

  • assimilate (verb) = take up mentally

    Synonyms: absorb, assimilate, ingest, take_in

    • Usage: he absorbed the knowledge or beliefs of his tribe
  • assimilate (verb) = become similar to one's environment

    Synonyms: assimilate

    • Usage: Immigrants often want to assimilate quickly
  • assimilate (verb) = make similar

    Synonyms: assimilate

    • Usage: This country assimilates immigrants very quickly
  • assimilate (verb) = take (gas, light or heat) into a solution

    Synonyms: assimilate, imbibe

  • assimilate (verb) = become similar in sound

    Synonyms: assimilate

    • Usage: The nasal assimilates to the following consonant
  • Other words to learn

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