Avalanche meaning in Hindi

Avalanche is a english word.

Avalanche Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • avalanche = पहाड़ से गिरता हुआ बर्फ का ढेर

    • Usage: Yesterday's avalanche killed about 200 people.
    • Usage: कल पहाड़ से गिरते हुये बर्फ के ढेर ने लगभग 200 लोगों की जान ली .

Avalanche Meaning in Detail

  • avalanche (noun) = a slide of large masses of snow and ice and mud down a mountain

    Synonyms: avalanche

  • avalanche (noun) = a sudden appearance of an overwhelming number of things

    Synonyms: avalanche

    • Usage: the program brought an avalanche of mail
  • avalanche (verb) = gather into a huge mass and roll down a mountain, of snow

    Synonyms: avalanche, roll_down

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