Avocado meaning in Hindi

Avocado is a english word.

Avocado Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • avocado = एवोकाडो{एक प्रकार का फल}

    • Usage: Eating avocadoes on a hot summer day is very refreshing.

Avocado Meaning in Detail

  • avocado (noun) = a pear-shaped tropical fruit with green or blackish skin and rich yellowish pulp enclosing a single large seed

    Synonyms: avocado, alligator_pear, avocado_pear, aguacate

  • avocado (noun) = tropical American tree bearing large pulpy green fruits

    Synonyms: avocado, avocado_tree, Persea_Americana

  • avocado (adj) = of the dull yellowish green of the meat of an avocado

    Synonyms: avocado

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