Weary meaning in Hindi

Weary is a english word.

Weary Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • weary = क्लान्त

    • Usage: He looked weary after the day's hard work.
    • Usage: People are weary of change of governments.
  • weary = उबाऊ

    • Usage: It was a weary journey by train for two days.
  • weary = थकाना

    • Usage: The boy was wearied of pedalling the cycle.

Weary Meaning in Detail

  • weary (verb) = exhaust or get tired through overuse or great strain or stress

    Synonyms: tire, wear_upon, tire_out, wear, weary, jade, wear_out, outwear, wear_down, fag_out, fag, fatigue

    • Usage: We wore ourselves out on this hike
  • weary (verb) = lose interest or become bored with something or somebody

    Synonyms: tire, pall, weary, fatigue, jade

    • Usage: I'm so tired of your mother and her complaints about my food
  • weary (adj) = physically and mentally fatigued

    Synonyms: aweary, weary

    • Usage: `aweary' is archaic
  • Other words to learn

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