Banking meaning in Hindi

Banking is a english word.

Banking Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • banking = महाजनी

    • Usage: Sita choose banking as a career.

Banking Meaning in Detail

  • banking (noun) = engaging in the business of keeping money for savings and checking accounts or for exchange or for issuing loans and credit etc.

    Synonyms: banking

  • banking (noun) = transacting business with a bank; depositing or withdrawing funds or requesting a loan etc.

    Synonyms: banking

  • banking (verb) = tip laterally

    Synonyms: bank

    • Usage: the pilot had to bank the aircraft
  • banking (verb) = enclose with a bank

    Synonyms: bank

    • Usage: bank roads
  • banking (verb) = do business with a bank or keep an account at a bank

    Synonyms: bank

    • Usage: Where do you bank in this town?
  • banking (verb) = act as the banker in a game or in gambling

    Synonyms: bank

  • banking (verb) = be in the banking business

    Synonyms: bank

  • banking (verb) = put into a bank account

    Synonyms: deposit, bank

    • Usage: She deposits her paycheck every month
  • banking (verb) = cover with ashes so to control the rate of burning

    Synonyms: bank

    • Usage: bank a fire
  • banking (verb) = have confidence or faith in

    Synonyms: trust, swear, rely, bank

    • Usage: We can trust in God
    • Usage: Rely on your friends
    • Usage: bank on your good education
    • Usage: I swear by my grandmother's recipes
  • Other words to learn

    Also See

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