Clumsy meaning in Hindi

Clumsy is a english word.

Clumsy Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • clumsy = बेढंगा

    • Usage: His clumsy brother hardly helps him with his work.

Clumsy Meaning in Detail

  • clumsy (adj) = lacking grace in movement or posture

    Synonyms: gawky, clumsy, clunky, ungainly, unwieldy

    • Usage: a gawky lad with long ungainly legs
    • Usage: clumsy fingers
    • Usage: what an ungainly creature a giraffe is
    • Usage: heaved his unwieldy figure out of his chair
  • clumsy (adj) = not elegant or graceful in expression

    Synonyms: awkward, clumsy, cumbersome, inapt, inept, ill-chosen

    • Usage: an awkward prose style
    • Usage: a clumsy apology
    • Usage: his cumbersome writing style
    • Usage: if the rumor is true, can anything be more inept than to repeat it now?
  • clumsy (adj) = difficult to handle or manage especially because of shape

    Synonyms: awkward, bunglesome, clumsy, ungainly

    • Usage: an awkward bundle to carry
    • Usage: a load of bunglesome paraphernalia
    • Usage: clumsy wooden shoes
    • Usage: the cello, a rather ungainly instrument for a girl
  • clumsy (adj) = showing lack of skill or aptitude

    Synonyms: bungling, clumsy, fumbling, incompetent

    • Usage: a bungling workman
    • Usage: did a clumsy job
    • Usage: his fumbling attempt to put up a shelf
  • Other words to learn

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