Banquet meaning in Hindi

Banquet is a english word.

Banquet Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • banquet = भोज

    • Usage: My friend had the privilege of attending a state banquet in honour of the visiting French president.

Banquet Meaning in Detail

  • banquet (noun) = a ceremonial dinner party for many people

    Synonyms: banquet, feast

  • banquet (noun) = a meal that is well prepared and greatly enjoyed

    Synonyms: banquet, feast, spread

    • Usage: a banquet for the graduating seniors
    • Usage: the Thanksgiving feast
    • Usage: they put out quite a spread
  • banquet (verb) = provide a feast or banquet for

    Synonyms: feast, banquet, junket

  • banquet (verb) = partake in a feast or banquet

    Synonyms: feast, banquet, junket

  • Other words to learn

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