Barb meaning in Hindi

Barb is a english word.

Barb Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • barb = आँकड़ी

    • Usage: Her barbs of sarcasm had clearly struck home.

Barb Meaning in Detail

  • barb (noun) = an aggressive remark directed at a person like a missile and intended to have a telling effect

    Synonyms: shot, shaft, slam, dig, barb, jibe, gibe

    • Usage: his parting shot was `drop dead'
    • Usage: she threw shafts of sarcasm
    • Usage: she takes a dig at me every chance she gets
  • barb (noun) = the pointed part of barbed wire

    Synonyms: barb

  • barb (noun) = a subsidiary point facing opposite from the main point that makes an arrowhead or spear hard to remove

    Synonyms: barb

  • barb (noun) = one of the parallel filaments projecting from the main shaft of a feather

    Synonyms: barb

  • barb (verb) = provide with barbs

    Synonyms: barb

    • Usage: barbed wire
  • Other words to learn

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