Booster meaning in Hindi

Booster is a english word.

Booster Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • booster = वर्धक{कोई चीज़ जो बढ़ावा दे}

    • Usage: She needs a morale booster to come out of the grief.
  • booster = विद्युत वोल्टेज वर्धक यंत्र

    • Usage: Students have put the booster in their exhibt to make it working.

Booster Meaning in Detail

  • booster (noun) = a person who backs a politician or a team etc.

    Synonyms: supporter, protagonist, champion, admirer, booster, friend

    • Usage: all their supporters came out for the game
    • Usage: they are friends of the library
  • booster (noun) = someone who is an active supporter and advocate

    Synonyms: promoter, booster, plugger

  • booster (noun) = a thief who steals goods that are in a store

    Synonyms: booster, shoplifter, lifter

  • booster (noun) = an amplifier for restoring the strength of a transmitted signal

    Synonyms: booster, booster_amplifier, booster_station, relay_link, relay_station, relay_transmitter

  • booster (noun) = the first stage of a multistage rocket

    Synonyms: booster, booster_rocket, booster_unit, takeoff_booster, takeoff_rocket

  • booster (noun) = an additional dose that makes sure the first dose was effective

    Synonyms: booster, booster_dose, booster_shot, recall_dose

  • Other words to learn

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