Angler meaning in Hindi

Angler is a english word.

Angler Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • angler = मछली पकड़नेवाला

  • angler = मछुआरा/काँटा डालने वाला

    • Usage: He is not an angler but it's his hobby.

Angler Meaning in Detail

  • angler (noun) = a scheming person; someone who schemes to gain an advantage

    Synonyms: angler

  • angler (noun) = a fisherman who uses a hook and line

    Synonyms: angler, troller

  • angler (noun) = fishes having large mouths with a wormlike filament attached for luring prey

    Synonyms: goosefish, angler, anglerfish, angler_fish, monkfish, lotte, allmouth, Lophius_Americanus

  • Other words to learn

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