Booth meaning in Hindi

Booth is a english word.

Booth Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • booth = बूथ

    • Usage: Organizers have erected many booths in the trade fair.
    • Usage: There is a telephone booth near my house.

Booth Meaning in Detail

  • booth (noun) = a table (in a restaurant or bar) surrounded by two high-backed benches

    Synonyms: booth

  • booth (noun) = small area set off by walls for special use

    Synonyms: booth, cubicle, stall, kiosk

  • booth (noun) = United States actor and assassin of President Lincoln (1838-1865)

    Synonyms: Booth, John_Wilkes_Booth

  • booth (noun) = a small shop at a fair; for selling goods or entertainment

    Synonyms: booth

  • Other words to learn

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