Bottleneck meaning in Hindi

Bottleneck is a english word.

Bottleneck Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • bottleneck = मार्गावरोध

Bottleneck Meaning in Detail

  • bottleneck (noun) = a narrowing that reduces the flow through a channel

    Synonyms: constriction, bottleneck, chokepoint

  • bottleneck (noun) = the narrow part of a bottle near the top

    Synonyms: bottleneck

  • bottleneck (verb) = slow down or impede by creating an obstruction

    Synonyms: bottleneck

    • Usage: His laziness has bottlenecked our efforts to reform the system
  • bottleneck (verb) = become narrow, like a bottleneck

    Synonyms: bottleneck

    • Usage: Right by the bridge, the road bottlenecks
  • Other words to learn

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