Breeze meaning in Hindi

Breeze is a english word.

Breeze Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • breeze = मन्द समीर

    • Usage: The breeze was cooled by the lake

Breeze Meaning in Detail

  • breeze (noun) = a slight wind (usually refreshing)

    Synonyms: breeze, zephyr, gentle_wind, air

    • Usage: the breeze was cooled by the lake
    • Usage: as he waited he could feel the air on his neck
  • breeze (noun) = any undertaking that is easy to do

    Synonyms: cinch, breeze, picnic, snap, duck_soup, child's_play, pushover, walkover, piece_of_cake

    • Usage: marketing this product will be no picnic
  • breeze (verb) = blow gently and lightly

    Synonyms: breeze

    • Usage: It breezes most evenings at the shore
  • breeze (verb) = to proceed quickly and easily

    Synonyms: breeze

  • Other words to learn

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