Memory meaning in Hindi

Memory is a english word.

Memory Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • memory = स्मृति/याददाश्त

    • Usage: She has a sharp memory.

Memory Meaning in Detail

  • memory (noun) = something that is remembered

    Synonyms: memory

    • Usage: search as he would, the memory was lost
  • memory (noun) = the cognitive processes whereby past experience is remembered

    Synonyms: memory, remembering

    • Usage: he can do it from memory
    • Usage: he enjoyed remembering his father
  • memory (noun) = the power of retaining and recalling past experience

    Synonyms: memory, retention, retentiveness, retentivity

    • Usage: he had a good memory when he was younger
  • memory (noun) = an electronic memory device

    Synonyms: memory, computer_memory, storage, computer_storage, store, memory_board

    • Usage: a memory and the CPU form the central part of a computer to which peripherals are attached
  • memory (noun) = the area of cognitive psychology that studies memory processes

    Synonyms: memory

    • Usage: he taught a graduate course on learning and memory
  • Other words to learn

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