Broil meaning in Hindi

Broil is a english word.

Broil Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • broil = शोरगुल

  • broil = गर्म करना

    • Usage: The travellers sat broiling in the sun, for their next bus.
  • broil = आग या शीख पर पकाना

    • Usage: They broiled some chicken for dinner.
  • broil = सेंकना

    • Usage: Broil fish
    • Usage: The sun broils the valley in the summer

Broil Meaning in Detail

  • broil (noun) = cooking by direct exposure to radiant heat (as over a fire or under a grill)

    Synonyms: broil, broiling, grilling

  • broil (verb) = cook under a broiler

    Synonyms: broil, oven_broil

    • Usage: broil fish
  • broil (verb) = heat by a natural force

    Synonyms: broil, bake

    • Usage: The sun broils the valley in the summer
  • broil (verb) = be very hot, due to hot weather or exposure to the sun

    Synonyms: bake, broil

    • Usage: The town was broiling in the sun
    • Usage: the tourists were baking in the heat
  • Other words to learn

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