Bulb meaning in Hindi

Bulb is a english word.

Bulb Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • bulb = बल्ब

    • Usage: The kids broke the bulb by hitting a ball.
  • bulb = कन्द

    • Usage: The bulb of a syringe

Bulb Meaning in Detail

  • bulb (noun) = a modified bud consisting of a thickened globular underground stem serving as a reproductive structure

    Synonyms: bulb

  • bulb (noun) = electric lamp consisting of a transparent or translucent glass housing containing a wire filament (usually tungsten) that emits light when heated by electricity

    Synonyms: light_bulb, lightbulb, bulb, incandescent_lamp, electric_light, electric-light_bulb

  • bulb (noun) = a rounded part of a cylindrical instrument (usually at one end)

    Synonyms: bulb

    • Usage: the bulb of a syringe
  • bulb (noun) = anything with a round shape resembling a teardrop

    Synonyms: bulb

  • bulb (noun) = lower or hindmost part of the brain; continuous with spinal cord; (`bulb' is an old term for medulla oblongata)

    Synonyms: medulla_oblongata, medulla, bulb

    • Usage: the medulla oblongata is the most vital part of the brain because it contains centers controlling breathing and heart functioning
  • bulb (noun) = a rounded dilation or expansion in a canal or vessel or organ

    Synonyms: bulb

  • Other words to learn

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