Calculate meaning in Hindi

Calculate is a english word.

Calculate Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • calculate = गणना कर

  • calculate = हिसाब लगाना

    • Usage: We have to calculate the estimated cost of our journey.

Calculate Meaning in Detail

  • calculate (verb) = make a mathematical calculation or computation

    Synonyms: calculate, cipher, cypher, compute, work_out, reckon, figure

  • calculate (verb) = judge to be probable

    Synonyms: calculate, estimate, reckon, count_on, figure, forecast

  • calculate (verb) = keep an account of

    Synonyms: account, calculate

  • calculate (verb) = predict in advance

    Synonyms: forecast, calculate

  • calculate (verb) = specifically design a product, event, or activity for a certain public

    Synonyms: calculate, aim, direct

  • calculate (verb) = have faith or confidence in

    Synonyms: count, bet, depend, look, calculate, reckon

    • Usage: you can count on me to help you any time
    • Usage: Look to your friends for support
    • Usage: You can bet on that!
    • Usage: Depend on your family in times of crisis
  • Other words to learn

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