Caste meaning in Hindi

Caste is a english word.

Caste Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • caste = जाति/वर्ण/गोत्र

    • Usage: It's high time we got rid of the caste system.

Caste Meaning in Detail

  • caste (noun) = social status or position conferred by a system based on class

    Synonyms: caste

    • Usage: lose caste by doing work beneath one's station
  • caste (noun) = (Hinduism) a hereditary social class among Hindus; stratified according to ritual purity

    Synonyms: caste

  • caste (noun) = a social class separated from others by distinctions of hereditary rank or profession or wealth

    Synonyms: caste

  • caste (noun) = in some social insects (such as ants) a physically distinct individual or group of individuals specialized to perform certain functions in the colony

    Synonyms: caste

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