Sock meaning in Hindi

Sock is a english word.

Sock Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • sock = मोज़ा

    • Usage: A pair of socks cost nearly Rs. 35.
  • sock = जूते का भीतरी तला

    • Usage: His shoes sock is not working well.
  • sock = शस्त्र का आघात

    • Usage: My teacher is angry so she socked me.

Sock Meaning in Detail

  • sock (noun) = hosiery consisting of a cloth covering for the foot; worn inside the shoe; reaches to between the ankle and the knee

    Synonyms: sock

  • sock (noun) = a truncated cloth cone mounted on a mast; used (e.g., at airports) to show the direction of the wind

    Synonyms: windsock, wind_sock, sock, air_sock, air-sleeve, wind_sleeve, wind_cone, drogue

  • sock (verb) = hit hard

    Synonyms: sock, bop, whop, whap, bonk, bash

  • Other words to learn

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