Catastrophe meaning in Hindi

Catastrophe is a english word.

Catastrophe Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • catastrophe = महाविपत्ति

  • catastrophe = दुर्गति

    • Usage: Lack of funds has resulted in a catastrophe for our school system.

Catastrophe Meaning in Detail

  • catastrophe (noun) = an event resulting in great loss and misfortune

    Synonyms: calamity, catastrophe, disaster, tragedy, cataclysm

    • Usage: the whole city was affected by the irremediable calamity
    • Usage: the earthquake was a disaster
  • catastrophe (noun) = a state of extreme (usually irremediable) ruin and misfortune

    Synonyms: catastrophe, disaster

    • Usage: lack of funds has resulted in a catastrophe for our school system
    • Usage: his policies were a disaster
  • catastrophe (noun) = a sudden violent change in the earth's surface

    Synonyms: catastrophe, cataclysm

  • Other words to learn

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