Chalk meaning in Hindi

Chalk is a english word.

Chalk Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • chalk = खड़िया

    • Usage: We use white chalks to write on the blackboard.
  • chalk = चिह्न लगाना

    • Usage: We have to chalk the items that have to be bought from the list .

Chalk Meaning in Detail

  • chalk (noun) = a soft whitish calcite

    Synonyms: chalk

  • chalk (noun) = a pure flat white with little reflectance

    Synonyms: chalk

  • chalk (noun) = an amphetamine derivative (trade name Methedrine) used in the form of a crystalline hydrochloride; used as a stimulant to the nervous system and as an appetite suppressant

    Synonyms: methamphetamine, methamphetamine_hydrochloride, Methedrine, meth, deoxyephedrine, chalk, chicken_feed, crank, glass, ice, shabu, trash

  • chalk (noun) = a piece of calcite or a similar substance, usually in the shape of a crayon, that is used to write or draw on blackboards or other flat surfaces

    Synonyms: chalk

  • chalk (verb) = write, draw, or trace with chalk

    Synonyms: chalk

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