Chamber meaning in Hindi

Chamber is a english word.

Chamber Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • chamber = कक्ष

    • Usage: He sits for hours in his chamber and reads.
  • chamber = कचहरी

    • Usage: Sitting in the chamber the judge heard the cases.
  • chamber = सभा

    • Usage: The upper chamber is the Senate.

Chamber Meaning in Detail

  • chamber (noun) = a natural or artificial enclosed space

    Synonyms: chamber

  • chamber (noun) = an enclosed volume in the body

    Synonyms: chamber

    • Usage: the chambers of his heart were healthy
  • chamber (noun) = a room where a judge transacts business

    Synonyms: chamber

  • chamber (noun) = a deliberative or legislative or administrative or judicial assembly

    Synonyms: chamber

    • Usage: the upper chamber is the senate
  • chamber (noun) = a room used primarily for sleeping

    Synonyms: bedroom, sleeping_room, sleeping_accommodation, chamber, bedchamber

  • chamber (verb) = place in a chamber

    Synonyms: chamber

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