Charcoal meaning in Hindi

Charcoal is a english word.

Charcoal Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • charcoal = लकड़ी का कोयला

    • Usage: Charcoal is used as a fuel.

Charcoal Meaning in Detail

  • charcoal (noun) = a carbonaceous material obtained by heating wood or other organic matter in the absence of air

    Synonyms: charcoal, wood_coal

  • charcoal (noun) = a stick of black carbon material used for drawing

    Synonyms: charcoal, fusain

  • charcoal (noun) = a very dark grey color

    Synonyms: charcoal, charcoal_grey, charcoal_gray, oxford_grey, oxford_gray

  • charcoal (noun) = a drawing made with a stick of black carbon material

    Synonyms: charcoal

  • charcoal (verb) = draw, trace, or represent with charcoal

    Synonyms: charcoal

  • charcoal (adj) = of a very dark grey

    Synonyms: charcoal, charcoal-grey, charcoal-gray

  • Other words to learn

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