Charter meaning in Hindi

Charter is a english word.

Charter Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • charter = राजपत्र/अधिकारपत्र

    • Usage: It contravened article 51 of the UN charter.
  • charter = निजी कार्य केलिए उपयोग किया हुआ

    • Usage: The minister arrived on a charter flight.
  • charter = निज प्रयोग के लिये किराये पर लेना

    • Usage: The minister chartered an IAF aircraft.

Charter Meaning in Detail

  • charter (noun) = a document incorporating an institution and specifying its rights; includes the articles of incorporation and the certificate of incorporation

    Synonyms: charter

  • charter (noun) = a contract to hire or lease transportation

    Synonyms: charter

  • charter (verb) = hold under a lease or rental agreement; of goods and services

    Synonyms: rent, hire, charter, lease

  • charter (verb) = grant a charter to

    Synonyms: charter

  • charter (verb) = engage for service under a term of contract

    Synonyms: lease, rent, hire, charter, engage, take

    • Usage: We took an apartment on a quiet street
    • Usage: Let's rent a car
    • Usage: Shall we take a guide in Rome?
  • Other words to learn

    Also See

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