Clipper meaning in Hindi

Clipper is a english word.

Clipper Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • clipper = कतरनी

    • Usage: I cut my nails with a pair of nail clippers.

Clipper Meaning in Detail

  • clipper (noun) = (electronics) a nonlinear electronic circuit whose output is limited in amplitude; used to limit the instantaneous amplitude of a waveform (to clip off the peaks of a waveform)

    Synonyms: limiter, clipper

    • Usage: a limiter introduces amplitude distortion
  • clipper (noun) = a fast sailing ship used in former times

    Synonyms: clipper, clipper_ship

  • clipper (noun) = shears for cutting grass or shrubbery (often used in the plural)

    Synonyms: clipper

  • clipper (noun) = scissors for cutting hair or finger nails (often used in the plural)

    Synonyms: clipper

  • Other words to learn

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