Closet meaning in Hindi

Closet is a english word.

Closet Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • closet = अलमारी

    • Usage: I kept all my jewelleries in the closet.
  • closet = गोपनीय

    • Usage: He is a closet smuggler.
  • closet = किसी कार्य में मग्न होना

    • Usage: They were closeted in the classroom with the Professor.

Closet Meaning in Detail

  • closet (noun) = a small room (or recess) or cabinet used for storage space

    Synonyms: cupboard, closet

  • closet (noun) = a toilet in Britain

    Synonyms: water_closet, closet, W.C., loo

  • closet (noun) = a tall piece of furniture that provides storage space for clothes; has a door and rails or hooks for hanging clothes

    Synonyms: wardrobe, closet, press

  • closet (noun) = a small private room for study or prayer

    Synonyms: closet

  • closet (verb) = confine to a small space, as for intensive work

    Synonyms: closet

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