Colony meaning in Hindi

Colony is a english word.

Colony Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • colony = बस्ती

    • Usage: The judges' colony near our house has beautiful houses.
    • Usage: I noticed a big colony of ants in my garden.
  • colony = उपनिवेश

    • Usage: India was a British colony.

Colony Meaning in Detail

  • colony (noun) = a body of people who settle far from home but maintain ties with their homeland; inhabitants remain nationals of their home state but are not literally under the home state's system of government

    Synonyms: colony, settlement

    • Usage: the American colony in Paris
  • colony (noun) = a group of organisms of the same type living or growing together

    Synonyms: colony

  • colony (noun) = one of the 13 British colonies that formed the original states of the United States

    Synonyms: Colony

  • colony (noun) = a place where a group of people with the same interest or occupation are concentrated

    Synonyms: colony

    • Usage: a nudist colony
    • Usage: an artists' colony
  • colony (noun) = a geographical area politically controlled by a distant country

    Synonyms: colony, dependency

  • colony (noun) = (microbiology) a group of organisms grown from a single parent cell

    Synonyms: colony

  • Other words to learn

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