Come across meaning in Hindi

Come across is a english word.

Come across Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • come across = अचानक मिलना

    • Usage: I came across a golden ring on the road.

Come across Meaning in Detail

  • come across (verb) = find unexpectedly

    Synonyms: fall_upon, strike, come_upon, light_upon, chance_upon, come_across, chance_on, happen_upon, attain, discover

    • Usage: the archeologists chanced upon an old tomb
    • Usage: she struck a goldmine
    • Usage: The hikers finally struck the main path to the lake
  • come across (verb) = be perceived in a certain way; make a certain impression

    Synonyms: come_across

  • come across (verb) = come together

    Synonyms: meet, run_into, encounter, run_across, come_across, see

    • Usage: I'll probably see you at the meeting
    • Usage: How nice to see you again!
  • come across (verb) = communicate the intended meaning or impression

    Synonyms: come_across, come_over

    • Usage: He came across very clearly
  • come across (verb) = be received or understood

    Synonyms: resonate, come_across

  • Other words to learn

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