Compare meaning in Hindi

Compare is a english word.

Compare Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • compare = तुलना करना

    • Usage: John compared his haircut to his friend's

Compare Meaning in Detail

  • compare (noun) = qualities that are comparable

    Synonyms: comparison, compare, equivalence, comparability

    • Usage: no comparison between the two books
    • Usage: beyond compare
  • compare (verb) = examine and note the similarities or differences of

    Synonyms: compare

    • Usage: John compared his haircut to his friend's
    • Usage: We compared notes after we had both seen the movie
  • compare (verb) = be comparable

    Synonyms: compare

    • Usage: This car does not compare with our line of Mercedes
  • compare (verb) = consider or describe as similar, equal, or analogous

    Synonyms: compare, liken, equate

    • Usage: We can compare the Han dynasty to the Romans
    • Usage: You cannot equate success in financial matters with greed
  • compare (verb) = to form the comparative or superlative form on an adjective or adverb

    Synonyms: compare

  • Other words to learn

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