Compress meaning in Hindi

Compress is a english word.

Compress Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • compress = दबाना

    • Usage: The straws were compressed into blocks for burning.
  • compress = संक्षेप करना

    • Usage: He compressed his whole essay into just few sentences.

Compress Meaning in Detail

  • compress (noun) = a cloth pad or dressing (with or without medication) applied firmly to some part of the body (to relieve discomfort or reduce fever)

    Synonyms: compress

  • compress (verb) = make more compact by or as if by pressing

    Synonyms: compress, compact, pack_together

    • Usage: compress the data
  • compress (verb) = squeeze or press together

    Synonyms: compress, constrict, squeeze, compact, contract, press

    • Usage: she compressed her lips
    • Usage: the spasm contracted the muscle
  • Other words to learn

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