Contradiction meaning in Hindi

Contradiction is a english word.

Contradiction Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • contradiction = अन्तर्विरोध

    • Usage: The statement `he is brave and he is not brave' is a contradiction.
    • Usage: He spoke as if he thought his claims were immune to contradiction.
    • Usage: It's a contradiction to say you love animals and yet go for hunting.

Contradiction Meaning in Detail

  • contradiction (noun) = opposition between two conflicting forces or ideas

    Synonyms: contradiction

  • contradiction (noun) = (logic) a statement that is necessarily false

    Synonyms: contradiction, contradiction_in_terms

    • Usage: the statement `he is brave and he is not brave' is a contradiction
  • contradiction (noun) = the speech act of contradicting someone

    Synonyms: contradiction

    • Usage: he spoke as if he thought his claims were immune to contradiction
  • Other words to learn

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