Stave meaning in Hindi

Stave is a english word.

Stave Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • stave = कोई मोटी छड़ी या ड़ंड़ा

    • Usage: Police use staves during riots.

Stave Meaning in Detail

  • stave (noun) = (music) the system of five horizontal lines on which the musical notes are written

    Synonyms: staff, stave

  • stave (noun) = one of several thin slats of wood forming the sides of a barrel or bucket

    Synonyms: stave, lag

  • stave (noun) = a crosspiece between the legs of a chair

    Synonyms: rung, round, stave

  • stave (verb) = furnish with staves

    Synonyms: stave

    • Usage: stave a ladder
  • stave (verb) = burst or force (a hole) into something

    Synonyms: stave, stave_in

  • Other words to learn

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