Coordination meaning in Hindi

Coordination is a english word.

Coordination Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • coordination = समन्वयन

    • Usage: Her arms moved in prefect co-ordination.
    • Usage: Construction work of fly-overs was taken by the coordination with M.C.H.dept.

Coordination Meaning in Detail

  • coordination (noun) = the skillful and effective interaction of movements

    Synonyms: coordination

  • coordination (noun) = the regulation of diverse elements into an integrated and harmonious operation

    Synonyms: coordination

  • coordination (noun) = the grammatical relation of two constituents having the same grammatical form

    Synonyms: coordination

  • coordination (noun) = being of coordinate importance, rank, or degree

    Synonyms: coordination

  • Other words to learn

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