Counterbalance meaning in Hindi

Counterbalance is a english word.

Counterbalance Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • counterbalance = प्रतिभार

    • Usage: An additional battalion was sent as a counterbalance to the enemy forces.
  • counterbalance = तुल्य भार करना

    • Usage: An additional battalion was sent to counterbalance the enemy forces.

Counterbalance Meaning in Detail

  • counterbalance (noun) = a weight that balances another weight

    Synonyms: counterweight, counterbalance, counterpoise, balance, equalizer, equaliser

  • counterbalance (noun) = equality of distribution

    Synonyms: balance, equilibrium, equipoise, counterbalance

  • counterbalance (noun) = a compensating equivalent

    Synonyms: counterbalance, offset

  • counterbalance (verb) = adjust for

    Synonyms: compensate, counterbalance, correct, make_up, even_out, even_off, even_up

    • Usage: engineers will work to correct the effects or air resistance
  • counterbalance (verb) = contrast with equal weight or force

    Synonyms: oppose, counterbalance

  • counterbalance (verb) = oppose and mitigate the effects of by contrary actions

    Synonyms: counteract, countervail, neutralize, counterbalance

    • Usage: This will counteract the foolish actions of my colleagues
  • Other words to learn

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