Cozy meaning in Hindi

Cozy is a english word.

Cozy Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • cozy = हार्दिक

    • Usage: They gave a cosy welcome to the invitees

Cozy Meaning in Detail

  • cozy (noun) = a padded cloth covering to keep a teapot warm

    Synonyms: cosy, tea_cosy, cozy, tea_cozy

  • cozy (adj) = enjoying or affording comforting warmth and shelter especially in a small space

    Synonyms: cozy, cosy, snug

    • Usage: a cozy nook near the fire
    • Usage: snug in bed
    • Usage: a snug little apartment
  • cozy (adj) = having or fostering a warm or friendly and informal atmosphere

    Synonyms: cozy, intimate, informal

    • Usage: had a cozy chat
    • Usage: a relaxed informal manner
    • Usage: an intimate cocktail lounge
    • Usage: the small room was cozy and intimate
  • cozy (adj) = suggesting connivance

    Synonyms: cozy

    • Usage: a cozy arrangement with the police
  • Other words to learn

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