Crock meaning in Hindi

Crock is a english word.

Crock Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • crock = मटका

    • Usage: Nowadays potters make multiple designs on crocks.
  • crock = पुरानी घिसी पिटी वस्तु या आदमी

    • Usage: Why do you want to keep this old crock car in your house.

Crock Meaning in Detail

  • crock (noun) = a black colloidal substance consisting wholly or principally of amorphous carbon and used to make pigments and ink

    Synonyms: carbon_black, lampblack, soot, smut, crock

  • crock (noun) = nonsense; foolish talk

    Synonyms: crock

    • Usage: that's a crock
  • crock (noun) = an earthen jar (made of baked clay)

    Synonyms: crock, earthenware_jar

  • crock (verb) = release color when rubbed, of badly dyed fabric

    Synonyms: crock

  • crock (verb) = soil with or as with crock

    Synonyms: crock

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