Crunch meaning in Hindi

Crunch is a english word.

Crunch Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • crunch = चर्वण करना

    • Usage: He bit the appricot with a crunch
  • crunch = चर्वण करना

    • Usage: The boy was crunching the popcorns
  • crunch = कुचलना

    • Usage: The road roller crunched the gravel
  • crunch = संगणना करना

    • Usage: He crunched the data rapidly

Crunch Meaning in Detail

  • crunch (noun) = the sound of something crunching

    Synonyms: crunch

    • Usage: he heard the crunch of footsteps on the gravel path
  • crunch (noun) = a critical situation that arises because of a shortage (as a shortage of time or money or resources)

    Synonyms: crunch

    • Usage: an end-of-the year crunch
    • Usage: a financial crunch
  • crunch (noun) = the act of crushing

    Synonyms: crush, crunch, compaction

  • crunch (verb) = make a crushing noise

    Synonyms: crunch, scranch, scraunch, crackle

    • Usage: his shoes were crunching on the gravel
  • crunch (verb) = press or grind with a crushing noise

    Synonyms: crunch, cranch, craunch, grind

  • crunch (verb) = chew noisily

    Synonyms: crunch, munch

    • Usage: The children crunched the celery sticks
  • crunch (verb) = reduce to small pieces or particles by pounding or abrading

    Synonyms: grind, mash, crunch, bray, comminute

    • Usage: grind the spices in a mortar
    • Usage: mash the garlic
  • Other words to learn

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