Crust meaning in Hindi

Crust is a english word.

Crust Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • crust = रोटी की पपड़ी

    • Usage: She gave the beggar a crust of food
  • crust = परत

    • Usage: The space shuttle landed on the moon's crust

Crust Meaning in Detail

  • crust (noun) = the outer layer of the Earth

    Synonyms: crust, Earth's_crust

  • crust (noun) = a hard outer layer that covers something

    Synonyms: crust, incrustation, encrustation

  • crust (noun) = the trait of being rude and impertinent; inclined to take liberties

    Synonyms: crust, gall, impertinence, impudence, insolence, cheekiness, freshness

  • crust (verb) = form a crust or form into a crust

    Synonyms: crust

    • Usage: The bread crusted in the oven
  • Other words to learn

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