Cycle meaning in Hindi

Cycle is a english word.

Cycle Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • cycle = साइकिल

    • Usage: He bought a cycle recently
  • cycle = समयचक्र

    • Usage: Operate at the speed of 60 cycles per second
  • cycle = चक्र

    • Usage: Monsoon depends on the cycle of the seasons
  • cycle = साइकिल चलाना

    • Usage: The boy cycled along the road

Cycle Meaning in Detail

  • cycle (noun) = an interval during which a recurring sequence of events occurs

    Synonyms: cycle, rhythm, round

    • Usage: the never-ending cycle of the seasons
  • cycle (noun) = a series of poems or songs on the same theme

    Synonyms: cycle

    • Usage: Schubert's song cycles
  • cycle (noun) = a periodically repeated sequence of events

    Synonyms: cycle

    • Usage: a cycle of reprisal and retaliation
  • cycle (noun) = the unit of frequency; one hertz has a periodic interval of one second

    Synonyms: hertz, Hz, cycle_per_second, cycles/second, cps, cycle

  • cycle (noun) = a single complete execution of a periodically repeated phenomenon

    Synonyms: cycle, oscillation

    • Usage: a year constitutes a cycle of the seasons
  • cycle (noun) = a wheeled vehicle that has two wheels and is moved by foot pedals

    Synonyms: bicycle, bike, wheel, cycle

  • cycle (verb) = cause to go through a recurring sequence

    Synonyms: cycle

    • Usage: cycle the laundry in this washing program
  • cycle (verb) = pass through a cycle

    Synonyms: cycle

    • Usage: This machine automatically cycles
  • cycle (verb) = ride a motorcycle

    Synonyms: motorbike, motorcycle, cycle

  • cycle (verb) = ride a bicycle

    Synonyms: bicycle, cycle, bike, pedal, wheel

  • cycle (verb) = recur in repeating sequences

    Synonyms: cycle

  • Other words to learn

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