Dreadfully meaning in Hindi

Dreadfully is a english word.

Dreadfully Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • dreadfully = भँयकर ढंग से

    • Usage: She was dreadfully sorry and apologetic about her initial rudeness.

Dreadfully Meaning in Detail

  • dreadfully (adv) = of a dreadful kind

    Synonyms: dreadfully, awfully, horribly

    • Usage: there was a dreadfully bloody accident on the road this morning
  • dreadfully (adv) = in a dreadful manner

    Synonyms: dismally, dreadfully

    • Usage: as he looks at the mess he has left behind he must wonder how the Brits so often managed to succeed in the kind of situation where he has so dismally failed
  • Other words to learn

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