Darkness meaning in Hindi

Darkness is a english word.

Darkness Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • darkness = अंधकार/धुंधलापन/अज्ञानता

    • Usage: He moved off into the darkness
    • Usage: The powers of darkness

Darkness Meaning in Detail

  • darkness (noun) = absence of light or illumination

    Synonyms: dark, darkness

  • darkness (noun) = an unilluminated area

    Synonyms: darkness, dark, shadow

    • Usage: he moved off into the darkness
  • darkness (noun) = absence of moral or spiritual values

    Synonyms: iniquity, wickedness, darkness, dark

    • Usage: the powers of darkness
  • darkness (noun) = an unenlightened state

    Synonyms: dark, darkness

    • Usage: he was in the dark concerning their intentions
    • Usage: his lectures dispelled the darkness
  • darkness (noun) = having a dark or somber color

    Synonyms: darkness

  • darkness (noun) = a swarthy complexion

    Synonyms: darkness, duskiness, swarthiness

  • Other words to learn

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