Decorous meaning in Hindi

Decorous is a english word.

Decorous Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • decorous = मर्यादित

    • Usage: His speech is very decorous while talking in a get together.

Decorous Meaning in Detail

  • decorous (adj) = characterized by propriety and dignity and good taste in manners and conduct

    Synonyms: decorous

    • Usage: the tete-a-tete was decorous in the extreme
  • decorous (adj) = according with custom or propriety

    Synonyms: becoming, comely, comme_il_faut, decent, decorous, seemly

    • Usage: her becoming modesty
    • Usage: comely behavior
    • Usage: it is not comme il faut for a gentleman to be constantly asking for money
    • Usage: a decent burial
    • Usage: seemly behavior
  • Other words to learn

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